Frequently Asked Questions
What provisions are grandfathered plans exempt from following?
- No cost-sharing requirements for preventive care
- Nondiscrimination testing of insured plans
- Establishing a pediatrician as a Primary Care Physician
- No referrals for OB/GYN services
What provisions are grandfathered plans required to follow?
- No lifetime or annual dollar limits on coverage of essential benefits
- No rescission of coverage except in cases of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of material fact
- Extension of parents' coverage to young adults under 26 years old
- No coverage exclusions for children under 19 with pre-existing conditions
What is the benefit of grandfathering my plan?
- Avoid the cost of preventive benefits
- Avoid some Health and Human Services Reporting requirements
- Can maintain a discriminatory insured plan (a richer plan design for the owner of the organization or highly paid employees than available for other employees)
What would cause loss of grandfathered status?
- Change in insurance carrier, policy, certificate or contract
- Elimination of all benefits to diagnose or treat a particular condition (i.e. removing self-injectable drugs)
- Increase in coinsurance
- Increase in deductibles or copayments subject to the applicable cost-adjustment test
- Change in funding status from self-funded to fully insured
- Decrease in employer contribution of more than 5%